Sunday 22 February 2015

VOLUME IV - Table of Contents (Summary)

I. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THIS REPORT..................... (i)
1. The Standard Established by the S.P.C.C......... (i)
2. The Practices Followed Overseas................ (ii)

II. WHEN IS A MAJOR ROAD NEEDED?................... (iii)
1. The Interaction Between Land-Use and
Transport..................................... (iii)
2. Congestion and Accessibility................. (viii)

III. PRESENT TRAFFIC CONDITIONS..................... (xv)
1. Assessment of Traffic Conditions............... (xv)
2. The Inquiry’s Conclusion....................... (xv)

IV. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS..................... (xvii)
1. The Inquiry’s Conclusion..................... (xvii)

V. THE OPTIONS..................................... (xxi)
1. The Nature of the Options Proposed........... (xxi)

VI. PUBLIC TRANSPORT............................. (xxiii)
1. A Public Transport Alternative?............. (xxiii)

VII. THE BEXLEY ROAD OPTION........................ (xxv)
1. The Nature of the Option...................... (xxv)
2. Transportation Implications of
the Bexley Road Option....................... (xxvi)
3. The Economic Criteria...................... (xxviii)
4. The Social Effects........................... (xxix)
5. Environmental Consequences................... (xxxi)
6. Opposition to the Bexley Road Options...... (xxxiii)
7. The Retention of Corridors................. (xxxiii)

VIII. THE SOUTH-WESTERN OPTION.................. (xxxvii)
1. The Nature of the Option................... (xxxvii)
2. Transport and Planning Implications.......... (xlii)
3. The Economic Criteria.......................... (il)
4. The Social Criteria............................ (li)
5. Environmental Implications.................... (lii)
6. The Retention of the South-Western
Corridor...................................... (lvi)

IX. THE COOKS RIVER OPTION......................... (lix)
1. The Nature of the Option...................... (lix)
2. Transport and Planning Implications........... (lxi)
3. The Economic Criteria........................ (lxvi)
4. The Social Criteria.......................... (lxvi)
5. Environmental Implications................. (lxviii)
6. The Retention of the Cooks River
Corridor...................................... (lxx)

X. RECOMMENDATIONS.............................. (lxxiii)
1. The Options................................ (lxxiii)
2. Roadworks Within the Study Area............ (lxxiii)
3. The Botany Goods Line....................... (lxxiv)
4. The Bestic Street/Villiers Street
(Rockdale) Corridor......................... (lxxiv)
5. The Rockdale By-Pass Corridor............... (lxxiv)
6. The Campsie By-Pass Corridor................. (lxxv)
7. The South-Western Corridor................... (lxxv)
8. The Retention of the Cooks River
Corridor.................................... (lxxvi)