Saturday, 10 October 2015

Vol IV - Chapter X




It was suggested that the Botany Goods Line should
used for a passenger rail service.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry is not in a
                position to recommend the
                use of the goods line as
                a passenger service.


2.1 Bexley Road Option

The Bexley Road Option was put forward as a link
between the Central Industrial Area and the Western
or South-Western Regions of Sydney.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry recommends
                against the adoption of
                this option.

2.2 The Bestic Street/Villiers Street Sub-Option

A route using Bestic Street and Villiers Street,
Rockdale was proposed as an alternative to a
corridor which exists in the Rockdale Planning
Scheme (Bay Street and Harrow Road, Rockdale).

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry recommends the
                exclusion of this sub-option
                from further consideration.
                Specifically it recommends
                against its inclusion as a
                transport corridor in any
                planning instrument.


2.3 The Rockdale By-Pass Corridor

Having recommended against the Bexley Road Option,
the Inquiry is obliged to consider the retention of
the Rockdale by-pass corridor.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry is not in a
                position to recommend the
                corridor's removal. There
                are strong arguments for its
                deletion. The Inquiry urges
                the Planning and Environment
                Commission and the Rockdale
                Council to re-consider the
                matter in the light of the
                findings made in this Report.

2.4 The Campsie By-Pass Corridor
Should the corridor be deleted in view of the rejection
of the Bexley Road Option?

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry is not in a
                position to recommend the
                deletion of the corridor.
                It urges a re-consideration
                of the matter in the light
                of this Report.


3.1 The South-Western Option

The South-Western Option was suggested as a link
between the Central Industrial Area (Port and Airport)
and the Western and South-Western Regions of Sydney.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry recommends
                against the adoption of
                this option.


3.2 Roadworks Within the Study Area

The evidence identified a number of specific problems
created by traffic within the Study Area. The Inquiry
has taken the view that the Options are rather less
efficient in dealing with these problems than
measures which are tailored to the needs of the
particular locations.

RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that rather than
                concentrate a huge sum on a
                large project within the Study
                Area, the following strategy
                should be adopted, since it is
                likely to yield far more striking
                and immediate benefits:

  • spot improvements at specific
    locations identified as suffering
    congestion or loss of amenity
    (including intersection widening,
    right-hand turning bays, road
    widening and re-constructing
    shopping centres away from the
    main road).
  • a concerted effort should be made
    to ensure that a road hierarchy
    can be introduced at the same time
    as SCAT (Co-ordinated Signals)
    comes into operation.
  • a network of truck routes should
    be developed as part of that
    hierarchy, after consultation
    with local councils and trucking

3.3 If the South-Western Option is Adopted
It is appropriate that we consider a number of

RECOMMENDATION: If, contrary to our primary
                recommendation, the Government
                were to decide to construct the
                South-Western Option, we would
                suggest the road should include
                the following features:

  • the southern alignment(terminating
    in General Holmes Drive, Kyeemagh)
    is unsatisfactory. It should not
    be pursued.
  • The route should proceed to the
    north of the Airport. The precise
    alignment will require extensive
    study. Access to the port will
    obviously be important.
  • The spur into Carrington Road,
    Marrickville should be abandoned.
  • The spur along Riverview Road,
    Earlwood (as far as Macquarie Road,
    Earlwood) should be abandoned.
  • There should be a pedestrian
    underpass at Turrella Station
    and not an overpass.
  • The underpass must be constructed
    with care to ensure that visual
    contact is maintained from one
    side of the valley to the other.
  • The route should follow the
    altered alignment depicted in
    Department of Main Roads maps
    (Reference p 409B (MI) Rolls 1
    and 2).

  • The possibility of further amending
    that alignment in order to ameliorate
    the environmental impact should be
    investigated, In particular, a
    lower standard of road, and one which
    takes advantage of the railway easement,
    should be considered.
  • Consideration should be given to
    a pedestrian tunnel through the
    embankment in the section between
    Bexley Road and Kingsgrove Road,
    so that contact between one side
    of the valley and the other can be
  • A tunnel at Coolangatta Road should
    be constructed. It should at least
    permit pedestrian access. Whether
    it is also desirable to maintain
    vehicular access should be investi-
    gated with the community, the local
    councils and the Beverly Hills Progress
    Association. Any other association
    which wishes to participate in that
    investigation should be encouraged
    to do so.
  • The road should be constructed with
    a median.
  • There should be a landscape plan.
    It should be the joint responsibility
    of the Department of Main Roads and
    the Department of Environment and
    Planning. Local councils (and community
    groups) should be consulted.
  • The issue of equity has never been
    addressed. It should be. It
    requires a consideration of any
    particular hardship occasioned to


residents through the completion of
the road. A number of measures may
be necessary including:
  • earthberms
  • noise insulation

  • bridges and underpasses
    and pedestrian crossings
  • the conversion of remnant
    areas of open space to
    parks and gardens.

3.4 The Retention of the South-Western Corridor

The enormous potential of the Wolli Creek Valley
has never been realised because of the corridor.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry recommends the
                release of that section of
                the South-Western Corridor
                between the Princes Highway,
                Tempe and King Georges Road,
                Beverly Hills. The recommend-
                ation is subject to the land
                being returned to the public
                as open space. The land must
                not be used (either now or in
                the future) for residential,
                commercial or industrial

3.5 An Alternative View on the Corridor

It is appropriate that we should consider a number


1. If, contrary to our primary recommenda-
tion, the Government were to decide to
retain the South-Western Corridor, we
recommend that the boundary of the
corridor should be re-drawn, and should
not exceed the requirements of the


altered alignment as depicted in
the Department of Main Roads plan,
reference P 409B (M1), Rolls 1 and 2.

2. Further that the corridor should be
released after the expiration of four
years if the scheme suggested by the
Inquiry for the transportation of
containers is adopted by the
Government, and is seen to work,
and if the Airport issue is resolved
in such a way that the case for the
road is made no more compelling.

3. In the meantime it is imperative that
work begin to develop the Wolli Creek
Valley for recreational purposes.
Money has already been made available
by Government for that purpose.
Consideration should be given to
allotting further money, having regard
to the enormous potential of the Valley,
and to the poverty of the surrounding
areas in open space.


4.1 The Cooks River Option

The Cooks River Option was put forward as a link
between the Central Industrial Area and the Western
or South-Western Regions of Sydney.

RECOMMENDATION: The Inquiry recommends
                against the adoption of
                this option.

4.2 If the Cooks River Option is Adopted

It is appropriate that we consider a number of


RECOMMENDATION: It, contrary to our primary
                recommendation, the Government
                were to decide to construct
                the Cooks River Option, we
                would suggest the road should
                include the following

  • the road should not include the
    section between General Holmes Drive,
    Kyeemagh and the Wolli Creek. An
    alignment to the North of the Airport,
    providing access to the Port, is
  • the route should continue along the
    corridor reservation beyond the
    junction of Punchbowl Road and
    Coronation Parade, Strathfield to
    the Hume Highway.
  • the route should be constructed
    as a four-lane arterial road from
    beginning to end.
  • there are marked advantages in
    proceeding by way of a tunnel under
    the railway line at Campsie rather
    than by an overpass. The cost and
    feasibility of a tunnel should be
    further investigated.
  • the maximum open space sub-option is
    preferable except in the vicinity of
    Mildura Reserve (Campsie) where the
    minimum space alignment is preferred.
  • the concept of compensatory open
    space (to compensate the community
    for the open space taken by the road)
    should be adopted in respect of the
    Cooks River Option.
  • it is desirable that houses in the
    Belfield and Campsie area, between
    the carriageway and the river,
    should, over a period, be acquired
    and converted to open space.
  • there should be a landscape plan
    covering the whole of the foreshore
    of the Cooks River. It should not
    simply relate to that part which may
    be disturbed when constructing the
    road. The plan should be the joint
    responsibility of the Department
    of Main Roads, the Planning and
    Environment Commission, Local Councils,
    and interested community bodies and
  • the issue of equity was never addressed.
    It should be. It requires consideration
    of any particular hardship occasioned to
    residents through the construction. A
    number of things may be necessary
  • earthberms
  • noise insulation
  • fencing of open space to
    prevent accidents
  • restoration of the natural
    bank of the river (or some-
    thing better than sheet
    piling or concrete lining)
  • bridges and underpasses and
    pedestrian crossings
  • the conversion of remnant
    areas of open space to
    parks and gardens.

4.3 The Retention of the Cooks River Corridor

The enormous potential of the Cooks River Valley
has never been realised because of the corridor.

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